Antisocial dog crackdown

ARRAN MORTONSound Telegraph

City of Rockingham rangers have appealed to dog owners to ensure antisocial animals are kept leashed and muzzled while out walking, after a rise in dog-on-dog attacks.

Ranger services co-ordinator Kristi Milana said attacks on animals had risen by more than 50 per cent across the city during the last financial year, and Rangers had investigated 24 separate incidents in October alone, most of which were preventable.

She said any dog was capable of attacking and advised owners to ensure antisocial, unpredictable or aggressive dogs were fitted with a harness and muzzle when out in public.

“As a pet owner, you are responsible for your animal at all times, and we will pursue irresponsible owners who allow their dogs off the leash at a non-dog exercise area,” she said.

Baldivis dad Chris Boyd, whose family dog Lily miraculously survived a brutal dog attack last month, said the experience had left the whole family traumatised.


He said watching the attack on five-year-old Lily was like witnessing a murder.

“It really felt like someone had been murdered... there was so much blood,” he said.

“We had just moved here from England and Lily had only been out of quarantine a matter of days when this happened.

“Without the excellent care from the team at Baldivis Vets, Lily would have died.”

Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels said City rangers had become increasingly frustrated by the frequency of attacks, some of which had ended in tragedy.

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