
Chief executive Hartley resigns after eight years


The City of Kwinana has been dealt a major blow, days out from the State Government’s self-imposed deadline of announcing its position on local government reforms, after chief executive Neil Hartley resigned last week.

After eight years with the City and with 12 months to go on his existing contract, Mr Hartley informed the council of his resignation last Wednesday.

He will take up the position of chief executive for the Shire of Ashburton.

In an email to City councillors, obtained by the Telegraph, Mr Hartley said since the State election “the trickle of news and rumours had all been bad for many Perth local governments, including Kwinana”.

“The minister has said he is going to release the new local government map by the end of July and in light of my and the Mayor’s meetings with him over the last month or two, I now have no expectation that Kwinana will be retained as an independent local government and will in the very near future, be pushed along an amalgamation path with one of its neighbours, and which I anticipate to be Cockburn,” Mr Hartley’s email said.

“In order to provide for the best transition of leadership with any amalgamation, the CEO is always the first officer to be made redundant and in light of the above, my belief is that the position of Kwinana CEO has already effectively passed that point in time.”

In his email, Mr Hartley said he believed other City officers would have job security for at least two years following the formal local government amalgamation announcement.

Mr Hartley’s announcement means the City could have a new chief executive and mayor by the end of the year if Carol Adams follows through with her commitment to stand down as mayor in October.

Cr Adams said it was extremely sad to accept Mr Hartley’s resignation following his outstanding period of leadership at Kwinana.

“Since Neil took over the reigns at the City, a phenomenal amount has been achieved and our local government has improved beyond recognition,” she said.

Mr Hartley will finish up with the City in October and Cr Adams said the decision on his replacement would take place in the coming weeks.

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