
Fire breaks kids’ hearts

JACQUI O'LEARYSound Telegraph

Singed artworks and charcoaled pencil cases are the grisly reminder Year 1 students have of their classroom after fire swept through East Waikiki Primary School last week.

News of the fire, which destroyed students’ artwork and possessions, left parents and children heartbroken as they returned to the Gibb Road school last Wednesday for the start of Term 3.

Waikiki mother Dee-Anne Johnston had the difficult task of telling her six-year-old daughter Jazzmyn Miles her classroom had been torched.

“When my daughter woke up, I had to tell her there was a fire at the school in her classroom and she said, ‘my pencil case and all my paintings were in there’,” Ms Johnston said.

“It was heartbreaking and only being six or seven years of age, it’s so hard to explain it to them.”

Cooloongup father Brian Fewson, whose children attend the school, said he was most angry about the stupidity of the senseless destruction.

“What do they get out of it, there’s no money or valuables here,” he said.

“It just goes to show that a two-and-a-half metre fence doesn’t stop people these days.” Deputy principal Sue Strickland said it was also a difficult time for first-year art teacher Mandy Jones who lost all her art supplies to the fire.

“All of her resources have been wrecked and she has a real passion for teaching, and her children,” she said.

“The art projects are irreplaceable.”

Authorities believe the fire started about 7.40pm on Monday last week. Ms Strickland said a quick response by Department of Fire and Emergency Services meant the blaze was contained quickly.

“The firewall in the block prevented the flames from spreading to other classrooms and kept the damage to a minimum,” she said.

The damage is estimated at $60,000 and is being investigated by the police arson squad.

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