Premier club takes win

ELISIA SEEBERSound Telegraph

Kwinana Amateur Swimming and Life Saving Club started the season with a splash winning the Premier’s Australia Day Active Citizenship award.

Club president Tony Ball said the group’s grassroots stemmed back to 1964 at Kwinana Beach and the award symbolised the efforts of all coaches, volunteers, and members over the past 50 seasons.

Ball said the community award was a surprise win.

“If felt good — I know I received the award, but it is more than just me receiving the award, it is the club and it is not just today’s members, it is the members of the past as well,” he said.

Club swim coach Ryan Whiddett said the award highlighted the group’s comprehensive squad program and access to friendly, family-orientated club competition.


“Some four years ago the club was at near collapse and was revived by a dedicated team of people,” he said.

“This award is a real testament to the faith shown by our members and the support the community has given.”

Whiddett said the club had more than 110 members and provided a learn-to-swim program, a professional squad program, and elite competition training.

“Our most significant achievement has been implementing our club’s squad program which has seen a better offering of swimming programs to the local population,” he said.

The keen coach said the club hoped to expand its squad programs to entice fitness swimmers and introduce new swimmers to the Hornets squad.

“The club’s vision (is) to get many people active through swimming, and use swimming as a way of allowing kids and adults to improve themselves and develop core life skills they can use out of the water as well,” he said.

The club is set to launch a new uniform for the Hornets squad later this year.

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