Stench angers locals

BRIAN OLIVERSound Telegraph

An Orelia man fed up with a stench he describes as like “an unflushed toilet” is not convinced a waste recycling facility in Kwinana will close, despite the company telling residents it hoped to have all compost products off site by the end of the year.

The BioWise facility in Postans, which is operated as a joint venture between SITA Australia and the Water Corporation, stopped accepting waste material at the end of last month.

SITA Australia State general manager Nial Stock said the company was honouring its commitment to residents last September when it said it would close its composting operations if it could not significantly reduce its odour levels.

Grant Doddridge, who lives 800m from BioWise in Orelia, said he did not believe the company’s letter to residents, which stated it would work towards having all fully composted products off site by the end of the year.

“There’s nothing that says they’re leaving, they are hoping to leave,” he said.


Mr Doddridge said the smell from the site in the past four years had been horrendous.

“It’s a mixture between a septic tank and road kill,” he said.

“(You) can’t have the air-conditioner on, can’t have your windows open, can’t sit under here and have a barbecue, can’t do anything. It stinks.

“Everybody around here reckons it is like living in a toilet that hasn’t been flushed.”

Mr Stock said the facility, which opened in 2001, had diverted 100,000 tonnes of material away from landfill to beneficial environmental use.

He said the company could not justify the commercial investment to improve its odour levels nor guarantee there would not be complaints in the future.

“It’s disappointing, commercially,” he said.

“Finding sites for us to operate to carry out people’s greens aspirations is quite difficult. It’s a challenge we face.”

Mr Stock said the company had no plans to resume its operations in a different location.

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