Boy to face court today over Waikiki sex assault

Sound Telegraph

A 15-year-old boy was due to face Perth Children’s Court today charged with committing a sex attack on an 84-year-old woman in Waikiki.

The alleged incident happened early Friday morning during a home invasion.

Police released the name and a photo of the alleged perpetrator, as a manhunt took place in the greater Rockingham region at the weekend.

The boy was located at a Waikiki house on Sunday morning and arrested.

He was charged with three counts of aggravated sexual penetration without consent and one count of attempted aggravated sexual penetration without consent.


He was also charged with one count of aggravated indecent assault, one count of aggravated home burglary and one count of stealing.

Detective Senior Constable Rulan Carr, of the sex assault squad, at the weekend called the incident “horrific”.

She said the elderly woman was recovering with her family.

“We are glad to say that she’s doing well, considering what she’s endured,” Det Sen. Const. Carr said.

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