Cash for new playground

Aiden BoyhamSound Telegraph
Camera IconKwinana Lions Club secretary Dave Nelson and club president Trudy Andrea with Frank Konecny Community Centre community liaison officer Erin Sergeant. Credit: Aiden Boyham

It was smiles all round at Frank Konecny Community Centre in Kwinana on Tuesday last week as members from Kwinana Lions Club dropped in to make a kind donation towards a key project the centre is working on.

Kwinana Lions Club president Trudy Andrea was joined by club secretary Dave Nelson to present a $500 cheque to centre community liaison officer Erin Sergeant.

The funds will be put towards a new children’s sensory playground the centre is building, which is expected to open next month.

Ms Sergeant said the idea for a purpose-built sensory playground had come from parents within the community who were keen for more similar facilities.

“There over 3000 kids in the Brand electorate that have autistic and sensory issues,” Ms Sergeant said.


“There are also a large number of children that are undiagnosed — it takes on average about two years to get a diagnosis because you need three separate medical professionals to give the same opinion.”

The donation comes after a bogan bingo night hosted by Urban Habitat Real Estate in Kwinana raised $2000 and Kwinana MLA Roger Cook’s $10,000 election commitment under the Local Jobs Local Projects funding program.

Kwinana Lions Club secretary Dave Nelson said the club, which is in its 50th year, was proud to support the centre in its bid to develop the playground.

“The Lions Club of Kwinana looks at supporting all organisations it can within the area,” Mr Nelson said.

“This is a worthwhile project we are prepared to support to the best of our ability.”

For more information on the centre or to help its campaign to build the sensory playground, contact 9439 2470 or visit

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