Expo showcases careers

Emily SharpSound Telegraph

Baldivis Secondary College held its Careers Expo on Wednesday last week to help Year 10 students make informed choices for next year.

VET co-ordinator Melinda Simich said after the success of last year’s inaugural event, they had decided to do it again.

“The Year 10 students are about to do their course selections, so by having the expo they can get some information outside of their classroom counselling and talk to universities, TAFEs and registered training organisations directly and ask questions,” she said.

“Career and Enterprise students — as part of their assessment — also set up stalls providing information that their peers may need.”

Guest speakers City of Rockingham councillor Matt Whitfield and McDonald’s franchisee owner Rod Sinclair provided insight into different pathways besides university for students. Representa-tives from several training organisations attended, including St John Ambulance and University of Notre Dame, with 20 stalls in total on the day.

Camera IconCupcake queens Darlene Prado, Kayla Rawiri and Bree Kana, all 16. Credit: SOUND TELEGRAPH
Camera IconBaristas in the making Chokran and Adyan Al Hassona, 17. Credit: SOUND TELEGRAPH
Camera IconWebb Spears, 16. Credit: SOUND TELEGRAPH, Emily Sharp
Camera IconCaleb Aberahama, 17, Marcus Gounder, 17, and Te Ohaaki Hawke-Hohepa, 16. Credit: SOUND TELEGRAPH

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