Faithful to gather for day of prayer

Sound Telegraph
Camera IconWorld Day of Prayer coordinator Bridie Galambosi from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish with Beverley Southcott from Church of Christ Rockingham. Credit: David Salvaire

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Rockingham will join thousands of churches around the world on Friday, March 2, when it hosts the World Day of Prayer.

The annual event focuses attention on one country each year, with Suriname in South America featured at Friday’s service.

The Christian women from that culture write a prayer that is delivered to thousands of churches across the world, with this year’s theme centred on the phrase: “All God’s Creation is Very Good!”

Churches in the district host the service in rotation and Bridie Galambosi from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish said it was an honour to hold the event.

“It’s a privilege because we get to show the church to other people who might not have been here before,” she said.


“It’s a chance for all the churches in the area to come together and we’re very excited about it.

“But it’s also open to anyone and everyone, whether you practice or not, and we’d love to see lots of people here.”

Last time the church held the event, more than 180 people attended, with all Christian churches in the Rockingham area expected to pack the Townsend Road Parish this year.

The day will feature a number of prayers and readings before a big morning tea.

The World Day of Prayer service begins at 10.30am on Friday, March 2, at the Our Lady of Lourdes Parish.

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