Forum fights complacency

Cecilia AllenSound Telegraph
Camera IconAsthma Foundation communications and campaigns officer Ellie Lucy and educator Kate Green. Credit: Cecilia Allen

The Asthma Foundation was in Rockingham last week with a mission to improve people’s education and understanding about asthma.

More than 15 people attended the forum held at the Gary Holland Centre to learn more about the condition.

Asthma Foundation WA educator Kate Green said one in nine people had asthma.

“We find there is a bit of complacency; where people don’t understand the seriousness of the condition because maybe it’s so common people forget that one Australian still dies every day from asthma,” she said.

“The more understanding people have about the condition the better their asthma can be managed.”


Ms Green said understanding the condition, recognising it, and knowing how to treat it empowered people to take control of their asthma and have better conversations about the condition with their doctor.

Physio2Breathe physiotherapist Pippa Windsor also attended the forum and discussed how the way weto discuss how people breathe could have an effect on their experience with asthma.

“We can develop habits of breathing that can make us feel worse or in some respects can actually bring on an asthma flare-up,” she said.

“Our breathing is very in tune with our thoughts and if we get anxious or if we have a period of stress we can start to breathe too much or use the wrong muscles.

“By teaching people to tune into their breathing pattern, correct it, and make sure it is normal - that can really help people with asthma.”

Ms Green said asthma could affect people of any age with symptoms coming and going.

“Symptoms can go from mild to severe and life-threatening in a matter of minutes,” she said.

The Asthma Foundation attends the Warnbro Pharmacy twice a month and people can book for individual sessions with an asthma educator.

Services offered by the Asthma Foundation are free and more information can be found at

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