Graduation a night of firsts for college

Aiden BoyhamSouthern Telegraph
Camera IconTim O’Keefe (Chair of College Board) presents VET Dux Kaylie Simpson with her award. Credit: 3P Photography

Baldivis Secondary College celebrated a huge milestone last week, farwelling its first group of Year 12 leavers with a special presentation ceremony.

Hundreds of family members and friends packed out the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre last Wednesday night and 185 graduating students were on hand for the school’s inaugural pres-entation ceremony. In a night of firsts for the school, the first course award winners, scholarships, special category acknowledgements, ATAR dux and VET dux were awarded during the ceremony.

The 2017 ATAR dux winner was Meg Willians, who is expected to achieve an ATAR of more than 99.

Meanwhile, Kaylie Simpson was crowned VET dux.

Baldivis Senior College senior school manager Owen Martin said the school was extremely proud of the graduating class of 2017.

“We are very proud of these two students, along with all our graduating students of 2017, each and every one of whom is well placed to continue on their meaningful pathway that has begun at Baldivis Secondary College, where their health and wellbeing has been just as important to their secondary school experience, as much as their academic support,” Mr Martin said.

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