Military link to Point Peron listing

Gareth McKnightSound Telegraph

The State Government is considering heritage listing Point Peron and the Cape Peron K Battery, the Telegraph can reveal.

The Rockingham site has significant historical significance and is heavily used for recreation by residents and tourists.

The battery complex played a role in ensuring Australia’s coastal defences in World War II and the Point Peron Rehabilitation Committee has been pushing for restoration of the site and additional infrastructure.

A Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage spokesman confirmed the Battery Complex was being considered by the Heritage Council for inclusion in the State Register of Heritage Places.

This process has involved key stakeholders having their say on the area’s significance. A period of public consultation will only happen should the site be initially heritage listed on an interim basis.


Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels said the City was aware of the Government’s plan and supported Point Peron and the K Battery becoming heritage listed.

“The City was pleased to fund the Point Peron “K” Battery Conservation Management Plan via the Community Grants Program and is also represented on the Point Peron Rehabilitation Committee,” he said.

“The built elements of the Battery are representative of WWII coastal defence architecture, and the site retains strong historical connections for members of the Australian defence forces.”

Former South Metropolitan MLC Phil Edman has pushed for the establishment of a museum at Point Peron over many years and has been involved in restoring the military sites and walkways for the public to use. For more details on the project visit

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