Teens take on world’s best

Chloe FraserSound Telegraph
Camera IconRockingham surf lifesavers Michael Hall, 16 and Kali Grayson, 15, practise beach sprinting ahead of the World Championships in Adelaide. Credit: Chloe Fraser

Rockingham surf lifesavers Michael Hall, 16, and Kali Grayson, 15, will take on the world’s best at the Lifesaving World Championships in Adelaide this week.

The Coogee Beach Surf Lifesaving Club members will compete on the world stage for the first time following their efforts at this year’s State and national championships.

About 44 countries are expected to compete in the world titles, which are held every two years.

Camera IconRockingham surf lifesavers Michael Hall, 16 and Kali Grayson, 15 and beach coach Alexis Grayson are gearing up for the world championships. Credit: Chloe Fraser

Michael and Kali will join fellow WA teammates James Kristensen, Sam Sanginiti, Trent Servaas and Jordan Robshaw in the inter-club youth category.


They will compete in a series of flag, beach sprints and relay events.

Michael said his biggest challenge would be overcoming nerves, while Kali said she was concentrating on staying focused.

The teens said surf and rescue was appealing because it was different to other sports.

“It’s a great sport because you get to do a bit of everything and rescue people in between,” Kali said.

The world championship series runs from November 25 to December 1.

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