Young achievers lauded at gongs

Emily SharpSound Telegraph
Camera IconLyriK Young Person of the Year Ebony Pavlov, 17. Credit: SOUND TELEGRAPH, Emily Sharp

It was a night for the city’s young people to shine when the Leadership Youth Respect in Kwinana Awards were held last week.

Eleven young people were recognised for their contributions to the community in achievement, mateship, inspiration, respect, teamwork and leadership.

Individual category award-winners received a $250 incentive to spend on an opportunity of their choosing.

Category winners are also given a further $50 to donate towards a charity of their choice.

Previous LyriK Achievement Award winner Kai Donalson was the MC for the night, with the crowd enjoying talented young, local performers.


City of Kwinana Mayor Carol Adams said the awards recognised the achievements of young leaders in the community.

“They highlight young people who are not afraid to think differently and inspire their peers,” she said. “Each year, I am more and more impressed to see the level of leadership and initiative shown by young people in our City.”

“The LyriK Awards is a fantastic program that not only highlights the exceptional youth in Kwinana, but fosters their development to go on and achieve greater things.”

Kings College student Ebony Pavlov was named Lyrik young person of the year after being nominated by her mother and a youth worker in the inspiration category.

“My heart was racing — I couldn’t believe it had just happened,” she said.

“I was really excited but it didn’t quite hit me that I had gotten the award until the next day.”

Her contributions to the community include volunteering her time to help others by coaching Tee-Ball, attending Emergency Services Cadets, Uniting Care West, and Kwinana Reach Youth Group, and she has also been a peer counsellor with Camp Kulin.

Ebony is also chairwoman of the Kwinana Youth Advisory Counci,l a previous LyriK Award nominee, and was a nominee for citizen of the year (under 25) in the Kwinana Premier’s Awards for Active Citizenship in 2017.

“Volunteering makes me feel needed in the community — it’s just a joy that I feel within myself when helping people,” she said.

“I love it. It’s my passion — I want to help people and make them feel good.

“My main passion is to work with people with disabilities, which comes from my love of helping people.”

Bailey Ballard, 17, was shocked to hear his name called out after the winner in his category had already been announced.

Camera IconLyriK progress award winner Bailey Ballard, 17. Credit: SOUND TELEGRAPH

The Gilmore College student was given the progress award, which isn’t given out every year but is reserved for those whom the panel deems worthy.

Bailey was nominated by his Follow The Dream co-ordinator, Dave Smith, who felt his contributions to school life — including the AIME program as a program ambassador — Gilmore College and Clontarf Academy communities had been inspirational. “To be honest, I was a bit surprised because I was nominated for the inspiration category and then I was called for the progress award,” he said.

“I couldn’t believe it.

“My passion in life is music and producing and dancing.

“This is just the start and it’s been really fun to get to know people and get to experience life.”

The teenager regularly contributes to school and cultural life by writing and performing his own raps and performing at local cultural events.

“I think winning the progress award shows that even though I didn’t win my particular category, I was still recognised for what I do in the community and with my music,” he said.

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